War Related Illness and Injury Study Center
Volunteer for Research at NJ WRIISC
To Participate
- Call us at: 1-800-225-5170
- Email us at: VHAEASWRIISCNJ@va.gov
Currently, the WRIISC has several important research studies for Veterans of the Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan, as well as other studies that are not deployment specific. These studies focus on airborne exposures, cognitive fatigue, physical fatigue, mild traumatic brain injury, among others. For more information on research studies at the WRIISC, please call 1-800-225-5170 and ask to speak to a Research Assistant.
Click here for a video regarding our health and safety measures for Veterans and staff:
It has been 25 years and many Veterans who deployed to Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm are still suffering from Gulf War Illness. There is a need to better understand Gulf War Illness and how to best treat it.
The Veterans Affairs War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) is focused on addressing Gulf War Illness. Our goal is to understand what might be underlying the symptoms as well as developing and testing treatments that will help those suffering from Gulf War Illness.
To help achieve this goal, we are currently performing several research studies at the WRIISC and are partnering with top scientists from many institutions including Johns Hopkins and Harvard.
How can you help?
Become familiar with the research we are conducting. If you are a Veteran of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, we need your help as a volunteer to be part of research. We need both Veterans who are suffering with Gulf War Illness as well as those who do not have Gulf War Illness. We are asking for the help of all Gulf War Veterans.
For more information about these studies, please contact us at 1-800-225-5170.
- Mechanisms of oxidative stress during N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) supplementation in Veterans with Gulf War Illness (GWI)
Principal Investigator: Helena Chandler, PhD
Description of study purpose and goals: Chronic oxidative stress has been linked to Gulf War Illness in Veterans and affects a part of our cells called mitochondria. One of the root causes of this condition may be cellular depletion of glutathione (also known as GSH), a powerful antioxidant found in the body. The goal of this clinical trial is to determine the effects of an FDA-approved supplement called N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) on GSH levels and symptoms of Gulf War Illness. Participants will take NAC orally for 8 weeks and complete on-site visits prior to starting NAC and after completing the 8 weeks. Onsite visits include completing questionnaires, cognitive testing, blood and urine sampling, and physical examination. There are additional assessments that can be conducted remotely (via phone or videoconferencing) and these occur every 2 weeks until week 16.
Who can take part?:Veterans of the 1990-1991 Gulf War (Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield) experiencing symptoms of Gulf War Illness (GWI).
To participate: Call (800) 225-5170 and ask about the “NAC Study”
- Collaborative Specialty Care for Gulf War Illness
Principal Investigator: Lisa McAndrew, PhD
Description of study purpose and goals: We are conducting a research study to learn whether or not collaborative care among specialty providers can improve the health and quality of care that Gulf War Veterans receive. We are recruiting Veterans who served in the first Gulf War and experience symptoms of Gulf War Illness, like chronic pain, fatigue, trouble concentrating, etc. Veterans must have a VA health care provider at any VA health care facility throughout the United States. If you qualify and choose to take part in the study, you will be asked to do the following: complete 3 packets of questionnaires at different time points over a period of approximately 9 months. Receive either Problem-solving Treatment and Health Coaching and pain medication management from specialty providers OR treatment recommendations that will be provided to you and your primary care provider.
FlyerWho can take part?:We are seeking Veterans who served in the Gulf War and who are currently enrolled in the VA Health Care System. We are enrolling Veterans from anywhere in the U.S., and Veterans can participate in the study in-person or completely remotely.
To participate: Call 1-800-225-5170 and indicate interest in the "Symptom Clinic Study"
- Collaborative Specialty Care for Veterans with Gulf War Illness – Click here for study documents
- Examining Sources Delayed Onset Physical Fatigue after Exercise in Gulf war Illness
Principal Investigator: Michael J. Falvo, PhD
Description of study purpose and goals: Veterans with Gulf War Illness commonly report symptoms that span several different body systems. These symptoms (especially fatigue) tend to be made worse after a bout of exercise, or some kind ofstrenuous exertion. The goal of this study is to understand the source of symptoms in those different body systems. This study involves cycling on a stationary bike and providing blood samples during the course of two study visits lasting 2-3 hours each.
Who can take part?: Gulf War Veterans.
To participate: Call 1-800-225-5170 or Email: VHAEASWRIISCNJ@va.gov and ask for the "Gulf War Illness Brain Study."
The War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) in East Orange, NJ is currently conducting studies to understand the symptoms and conditions in veterans that were caused by combat participation or during deployment. We also have studies to develop or modify treatments for these symptoms or conditions.
An example of some the conditions that we study include chronic fatigue, chronic pain, cognitive difficulties, sleep issues, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and gastrointestinal problems. Subjects who participate in our research contribute to the future care of our veterans.
To help achieve this goal, we are currently performing several research studies at the WRIISC and are partnering with top scientists from many institutions including Johns Hopkins and Harvard.
The recruitment phase of these studies are complete at this time. We are not currently enrolling new participants.
For more information about these studies, please contact us at 1-800-225-5170.
- Health Coaching for Chronic Multi-symptom Illness (CMI)
Principal Investigator: Lisa McAndrew, PhD
Description of study purpose and goals: Chronic pain is one of the most common healthcare issues that Veterans face. We are conducting a study where we hope to learn whether a remote-delivered health coaching intervention will reduce disability and impairment caused by chronic pain compared to receiving attentional control. Veterans who qualify and choose to take part in the study will receive 12, ~1 hour remote-delivered sessions of either Health Coaching Treatment or Attentional Control with a Study Provider and complete 4 questionnaire packets over a 6-month period.
Who can take part?: Veterans who experience chronic pain, such as muscle/joint pain or widespread pain.
To participate: Recruitment is complete; not actively enrolling new participants.
- Health Coaching for Chronic Multi-symptom Illness – Click here for study documents